Joseph F. Guirguis
Business Category
Long Business Description

Joseph F. Guirguis Egyptian Legal Consultant Accredited by U.S Courts.
The first Egyptian law firm licensed to operate in the United States of America.

We provide full-scope legal services to US companies, law firms, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and individuals in all matters pertaining to Egyptian laws and legislation.

As a leading international law firm, we play a pivotal role in communicating between the United States and Egypt through our law office in Egypt and our office in the United States.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
212 660 9901
Business Address
10E 39th Street , suite 1103 New York, NY 10016
Business Keywords
Egyptian Legal Consultant Accredited by U.S Court, Egypt laws , Egyptian law office in the U.S, Power of Attorney .
ZIP Code
United States
New York