(833) COPT-333
(954) 392-8713
Frier Levitt is a national boutique healthcare law firm. This firm provides comprehensive regulatory,transactional, and litigation services to the healthcare fields and pharmaceutical industries. Frier Levitt has over thirty attorneys specialized in each area of healthcare law and pharmacy law. If you are a healthcare professional who is need of legal services call Frier Levitt today!
Personal injury litigation law firm located in New Jersey
Kapcharge is an online payments infrastructure and money service business that provides software for accepting payments, sending payouts, and managing financial transactions. Kapcharge connects businesses with the banking and payment ecosystem using a single API, offering secure and reliable services in Canada and the United States.
Kapcharge’s solutions include ACH Processing, EFT Payments, Interac e-Transfer, Visa Direct, Push-to-Card, and Credit Card Processing. They serve various industries, such as Consumer Finance, Mortgage Servicing, Automotive Finance, Property Management, Buy Now Pay Later, Payroll Management, Gig Platforms, Insurance, Healthcare, and E-Commerce.
Kapcharge is a subsidiary of Kapital Solutions.
Providing photo services to the Bay area including event, corporate, private, realty and much much more.
KeyLime International is a business development services consulting firm focused on making business development more fruitful for the international development community. We specialize in USAID programming.
I understand the complexities of today’s lending environment and will help you navigate through the mortgage process from preapproval all the way to the closing table and beyond. I look forward to helping you with all your mortgage needs. Whether you are first time home buyer, purchasing your dream home or investment property, refinancing an outstanding loan, or consolidating debt, the team of highly experienced team which I am a member, are here to help you take that first step toward a financial solution.